domingo, 18 de enero de 2015


Many people in the world suffer diabetes, an illness due to the pancreas does not produce insulin (the hormone produced by this organ). There are other cases in which the pancreas produces insulin, but the insulin can't do her effect in a appropiate way. If the pancreas can't produce insulin, the glucose stay in the blood and it isn't being used as a fuel for energy, for that reason the amount of glucose in your blood is too high.

There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes: the pancreas can't produce insulin and Type 2 diabetes, in which the insulin that is produced does not work properly. The main symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes are: increased thirst, extreme tiredness, unexplained weight loss, passing urine more ofthen than usual (especially at night), etc. Although there is no known cure for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, having the illness is not synonym of a poor quality of life if we know how to treat the disease. We have to take a healthy and balanced diet and to do some sport. The most important issue is to avoid sweets and industrial baking and to eat more vegetables, fruits, fish and beans.

To sum up, although diabetes is a serious illness that we must control, we can live with the illness perfectly and, if we control the disease in a suitable way we can live a lot of years withouth complications.

If you want to learn more about diabetes:

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