sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014

The pride of being a woman

Tall, short, pleasant, and all of them pretty. It is a true luxury being born a woman for many reasons. Because they look after all the family. Because the solve problems with only a smile. Because they worry about a lot of aspects and they don´t receive anything in return. Because they would give their life for their children. Because they are workers. Because they can give birth to wonderful babies. Because they are confidantes. Because they never give up. What more I could say? Every woman has her personality and is single and irreplaceable.

1 comentario:

  1. Nice post.

    *remember that adjectives are never "plural": all of them are pretty.
    * being born a woman
    * they look after all the family
    * they would give their life for their children
    * give birth to wonderful babies

